Stor Palace
Location: Kabul, Afghanistan
Client: Aga Khan Trust for Culture
Size: 3 Story, 150 Rooms
Building Type: Type II
Construction: Loadbearing masonry brick walls with plaster and paint finishes for interior and exposed brick for exterior walls. Based on todays code, the building is Type II construction.
Built in the early 1800s, Store Palace was converted into an office building and social gathering halls around the mid-1900s (approximate) and represents a historic building renovation. The restoration project, which employed more than 300 Afghan craftsmen and laborers, spanned 282,000 man/days of employment and was completed in July 2016. After preparing a comprehensive physical survey—including addressing building archaeology—and finalizing a detailed conservation design, rehabilitation efforts included roof reconstruction, structural consolidation and reinforcement works, re-pointing external elevations, extensive restoration of internal finishes, wooden ceilings, plaster and marble decorations.